Our Services / Programs
If you are in need of any of the following services & programs or would like more information, please contact us and we'll be happy to help you.
Hot Meals / Home Delivery.
We make and deliver over 70 nutritious meals a day. We deliver five (5) meals a week Monday through Thursday. (two meals are delivered on Thursdays)
Hot meals require no pre-qualification. If you are in need of a meal, please contact us and we'll get you set up and on our deliver route. Or, if preferred, you may pick your meal(s) up at the AHR offices.
Food Boxes and Food Pantry.
Food boxes are available in conjunction with the Feed America project. Food is provided by other partner food banks in southern Arizona.
Additionally, an in-house Food Pantry provides emergency food boxes for families and individuals in need. To sign up for TEFAP or Pantry Boxes please come to our office with a picture ID, a proof of address (which can be your picture ID as long as the address is current), and fill out an application in our office. Food boxes can be given the same day as the application is filled out.
Home Energy Assistance Programs.​
The Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help with utility bills throughout the year. The program covers electric, propane, and wood for heating/cooking. Income eligible.
To apply, please CALL US to set up an appointment, and we will give you a list of items that you will need to bring with you.
520.398.1771 (call for appointment)
Information and Resources.​
In our rural community we may not have the answers to every problem, however, we can offer information and referrals to help resolve issues individuals and families may incur.
Community Resource Navigators are available to help you navigate resources within our county such as: (by appointment only)
Resume Writing / Job Applications
Legal Services
Rental Assistance or Home Repair
Paid Job Training
And much more...