Serving Arivaca, Arizona since 1988
Support - Become a Champion:
EIN: 86-0609733
QCO: 21056
Become an ARIVACA CHAMPION and sign up for MONTHLY GIVING!
As an ARIVACA CHAMPION, you'll enjoy exclusive access to special events, unique apparel, and the satisfaction of knowing that YOU are consistently making a difference in lives!
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By joining the Arivaca Champion Program, you make a powerful statement of commitment to uplift our unique, historic, and beautiful community. As a beacon of hope, your generous support empowers individuals and families, ensuring they thrive in the rich tapestry of life that defines Arivaca.
Your contributions provide essential human services, from food assistance and socialization opportunities to workforce development and home repair assistance, transforming challenges into opportunities and fostering resilience.
Thank you for joining us in this profound journey of impact and solidarity! Together, we can create a brighter future for all, igniting meaningful change that proves compassion can indeed change the world, one life at a time.
We are deeply grateful for the many Individuals, Foundations, and Corporate donors who believe in the work we are doing and provide financial support. Join us in our quest to improve the lives of our neighbors by providing them with nourishment and the support and resources they need to become self-sustaining.
AHR is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
AHR is also an Arizona Tax Credit Qualifying Charitable Organization and contributions are eligible for the Arizona Tax Credit. The maximum credit allowed under current law is $841 for a married couple filing jointly and $421 for single, heads of household and married couples filing separately. Complete Form 321 to submit with your tax filing; our Qualified Charitable Organization number (QCO) is 21056. [EIN: 86-0609733]
If you have any questions about the Arizona Tax Credit and your charitable contributions, please consult your tax advisor.